Organisation de galas


Sponsorships and partnerships are a vital aspect to the success of many events, whatever their size or format. Offering your partners top-notch, personalized management and follow-ups is essential: they want a clear picture of the visibility you have to offer them.

Our various ways of helping you put together a sponsorship and visibility strategy can involve:

  • Developing partnership plans
    Working with you, we prepare a detailed plan of the sponsorship options that’s based on your financial goals.
  • Defining strategic action plans
    Who would you like to partner with, and how? We help you focus your strategy to maximize the results.
  • Coordinating with sales teams
    We inform these teams of your chosen strategies and objectives so that they can be integral to the partnership follow-up process.
  • Following-up on signed agreements
    Working with the sales team, we handle all the formalities with your partners.
  • Coordinating the production of visual elements
    We see to it that all the agreed-upon sponsorship visibility options are present in the promotional material and during the event: signage, promotional objects, booths, mentions, etc.
  • Managing approvals
    We follow up on the necessary approvals with partners to ensure the full satisfaction of all parties.
  • Guiding and greeting guests (VIPs) on-site
    Your partners are valuable! We give them a warm welcome and ensure them an enjoyable experience throughout the event.